About My Clients

My clients are Men Women and Adolescence who are experienced emotional trauma, sexual abuse or sexual exploitation. My clients are often challenged by intrusive thoughts, confusion and anxiety.  My service offers a safe confidential space to have authentic interactions which addresses fear, isolation, anger, guilt and shame.

One of the pivotal points of transformation for my clients is them internalising that the answers are hidden within them; it is essential for them to face and open the scary doors inside themselves. These doors are often the real solutions for their blocks and interruptions.

About the work

I help my clients to address areas of their lives that are highly sensitive or painful. I tailor specific support to facilitate each person resolving those issues holistically.  

There are a few things you should know about me:

  1. I love my coffee and will likely offer you some before our session.

  2. The work doesn't always feel comfortable, but I promise to support you at every step of the process. 

  3. I am interested in the elements and nuances that make up each individual.

  4. I’m very determined yet patient in finding the appropriate process for each individual to overcome the obstacles of their past and current life journey.

  5. I actively support my clients to experiment and propel themselves into a number of new self-motivated life choices. 

  6. I find it very satisfying to assist my clients to discover unique aspects of their personality, as I know this examination is ultimately empowering. Celebration of their individualism is a primary task to achieve healing and transformation. 

  7. It is one of my greatest rewards and privileges to witness a new dynamic person emerge in front of our eyes. 

My promise to you

Once we’ve determined we are a good fit for working together, I guarantee you will receive three critical services components.

  • Your successful therapeutic journey will be of paramount importance to me and I will actively champion your self-determined outcomes.

  • I will provide you access to a wide range of tools which will specifically compliment your Journey.

  • I will provide you access to a variety of alternative practitioners who will offer you complimentary consultations to accelerate your healing.

When We’re Working Together

I find it most beneficial to work in the way you prefer. This may be in person at my therapy space or at a venue that’s a treat for you.

For the times that we cannot meet in person we can use the phone or a preferred online video platform.

Homework comes in a number of mediums: 

  • Trips & Outings to illuminate goals and dreams

  • E-Tools

  • Books & guided reading

  • Specific Tutorials

 Practitioner Access (Between Sessions) includes:

  • Phone calls

  • E-mail responses to session issues and dynamics


My goal is to support each individual to identify their own best outcomes and actualize these goals by a means of structured focusing and actioning.