My team is made up of internationally trained and practicing social workers, psychologists, counsellors, and psychotherapists that practice within and across various arenas. As such, we welcome international practicum students to join our eclectic synergetic tribe. 

Social Work students will have an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of their theoretical learning whilst focusing on their professional practice under direct supervision. Our expectation is for them to maintain personal awareness whilst being authentic and demonstrate internalisation of ethical Social Work practice.  Furthermore, we promote practice which is underpinned by empirical research.

The following activities are endorsed:

  • Journaling

  • One-on-one discussions

  • Small group discussions

  • Group practice

  • Roleplaying

  • Sharing your voice

  • Listening & silence



The programme is intend to assist Social Work Students to gain a live professional experience of practicing therapeutic interventions within a supervised behaviorial science context.

The populations served by practicum students are economically challenged young men and women who are affected by:

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Isolation and separation from family of origin

  • Amplified issues pertaining to incest occurrence  

  • Recovering from physical and psychological abuse

  • Perpetuation of violence (fighting, stabbing, beating)

  • HIV/AIDS diagnosis

  • Difficult Pregnancies

  • Loss of one or  both parents

  • Neglect

  • Crime and Recidivism

  • Managing post-traumatic stress disorder

This programme has a desire to substantially expand our international practicum work in order to share the skills garnered in working with alternative mediums within the Caribbean context. We strive to bring powerful mediums of healing to all especially those who are economically challenged in Jamaica. We especially seek to have empowering and enriching partnerships with agencies who share similar goals in improving the lives of the young people globally. Therefore, on this occasion we waive supervision and co-ordination of practicum fees in order to seize and mobilise the opportunity to create a continuum of cross cultural education in Social Work Practice.

Accommodation Fees: $300 US Per person, per calendar month.

Costs include the practicum placement, supervision, accommodation, electricity, water, bedding and towels, and an individual bedroom in a shared apartment/cottage with access to fruit and vegetables from the property’s gardens. This fee underpins the Jamaican administration and incidentals which may arise during practicum.